We are ALL connected… ALL of us! ❤️

If you think they're ‘getting off easy' or ‘getting away with something' I assure you they are not… and neither are you!

What we put out into the universe comes back to us, amplified. Always!!

This is not just some catchy little phrase intended to put salve on your owies and make you feel better… IT'S SCIENTIFIC FACT!! Unity theory, quantum-physics and the universal law of vibration backs this up entirely!

Here's the thing…

Energy does not lie. Ever!

So don't sweat it. The universe is more than fair and NOTHING is wasted in God's economy.

No matter what ‘they've' done or said or did not do…

Your job is to…

Love yourself first. Respect yourself first. Honor yourself first.

Your job is to…

Do good. Be good. Set boundaries. Send Love. Go for peace. Walk away. Find your joy. Find your bliss. Find your Happy place!

THAT'S your job!

Let go and learn to Love yourself… madly, deeply, completely!!

Let go and let Karma take care of those who hurt you, betrayed you, damaged you in some way…

She will. She always does.

Here's what's true…

“They” have to live with themselves and their choices. And they do… EVERY DAY!!

Although they may be steeped in denial, they may be suffering from distorted perceptions of reality and may even be lacking in conscience to some degree… perhaps even a large degree…

Sooner or later it ALL comes back…

Sooner or later we ALL cross over…

Sooner or later ALL TRUTH is revealed…

Sooner or later, one way or another we ALL answer for what we brought to the table of Life!!

Trust and know that it's all being handled in perfect order and perfect timing on your behalf.

“She who is certain of the outcome can afford to wait, and wait without anxiety.” ~ ACIM

What I know for sure is this…

Hurt people hurt people. Those who have hurt me, suffer far more than I ever have or ever will. They don't need my help in that regard.

So, again… what's YOUR job?!!

~ Love you. Respect you. Honor you. Take care of you. Let the universe handle the rest!!

Light and love Baby! Light and fucking love… starting with YOU!!

#knowyourvalue #unlockyourfreedom