I remember reading somewhere, something along the lines of, "Don't feel bad if you don't recognize a narcissist for what they are right away. Even the most highly trained...
I remember reading somewhere, something along the lines of, "Don't feel bad if you don't recognize a narcissist for what they are right away. Even the most highly trained...
I speak to women every day who have been struggling for years in painful, toxic, and unhealthy relationships, sometimes even perpetually in and out of one unhealthy...
There is nothing Loving about standing idly by and allowing people to behave poorly toward you... or others while in your presence. ❤️ There is nothing Loving about endorsing...
The other day, one of my Fabulous mentors said to me, "Tamie! Welcome to The Elevation Club!" And I got it!! I've been getting 'this one' for years... but this time I REALLY...
What does it take to have a healthy, happy, lasting relationship? I'm mean seriously already!! How fucking hard should this be?!! I remember asking myself those questions over...
Someone asked me the other day, "How do you defend yourself against liars?" Here was my response… You don't. When you do you give your power away. What I've learned is to walk...
I'm a BIG believer in and Lover of the Law of Attraction! There's NO question that this is a Universal law and absolutely how our world works whether we know it or not and...
I find it interesting (and sad) that even in mildly unhealthy families there's often that one kid/person who has been singled out. Like there's a semi-conscious/unconscious...
Life mirrors to us the way we relate to ourselves! Like it or not... until we become willing to deal with and heal what is going on inside of us... All that stuff that we've...